Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jawana and Larry - Edinburgh Golf Course { Twin Cities | Wedding Photography }

I had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of a wonderful couple. Jawana and Larry are very busy but managed to plan a wedding in the middle of finals, graduation, and so much more! Their wedding was full of celebration, love, fun and sentimental moments. From the moment the dancers ushered each couple of the wedding party down the aisle and throughout the reception dances, emotion filled the room and there were many moments when I even found it hard to keep my eyes dry! I knew this couple was loved and their parents and grandparents were very proud of them.

Jawana and Larry, good luck and I can't wait to give you your wonderful wedding photos.


Laura Ivanova said...

First of all Mona, love the new blog!! It looks great! Way to accomplish your goal :-) Also love the wedding pics!

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Creative Touch Photography Blog - Twin Cities Wedding Photographer+Portrait Photographer